2003 the U.C.Berkeley Institute of Industrial Relations Library
received LAUC funding to build a database of American labor
graphics.This project began to survey archives, libraries, unions, and
other institutions and assembled a preliminary collection-level
description of U.S. holdings in the areas of labor posters and
graphics. The scope of this project did not include photographs
or art that was not reproduced in multiples. The objective was to help
researchers and activists locate original source material and to
eventually build a national item-level on-line catalog of these
resources. Unfortunately,
state budget cutbacks in 2004 resulted in the layoff of project
originator Lincoln Cushing, and the work remained incomplete.
Cornell University Press published Agitate!
Educate! Organize! - American Labor
by Lincoln Cushing and Tim Drescher on the role of posters in the labor
movement. Many of the archives and special collections listed below are
featured in this book.
If you
have, or know of, repositories (large and small) of these materials,
please contact:
lcushing "at" igc.org
currently identified:
Graphics, Berkeley, CA
Bread and Roses
cultural project, SEIU 1199, New York, NY
Ethnic and Multicultural Archives, U.C. Santa Barbara, CA
Center collection, Cornell School of Industrial & Labor
Relations, Ithaca, NY
Center for the Study
of Political Graphics, Los Angeles, CA
Meany Memorial Archives, Silver Spring, MD
Holt Labor Library,
S.F., CA
Press, Berkeley, CA
collection, University of Michigan
Archives and Research Center, S.F, CA
Library of Congress (Yanker Collection) Washington D.C.
New York Public Library, NY
Northland Poster Collective, Minneapolis, MN
Archive, Berkeley, CA
State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
Library and Wagner Labor Archives, New York, NY
United Auto Workers Research Library, Detroit, MI
United Farm Workers union, CA
U.S. Department of Labor Library, Washington, D.C.
P. Reuther Library, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
of American labor graphics, in progress.
Images, top to bottom
then left to right:
• (untitled), linoleum print of painter’s strike in L.A., 1948, by
Domingo Ulloa.
• "Union Women Build the Future," for East Bay CLUW, by Lincoln
Cushing, 1986
• (untitled), Mexican miner's strike, by Rini Templeton, 1978
• "Una sola union-- Vote UFW," by D. Forbes, 1977
• Program cover for the Paterson Pageant, I.W.W, by Robert Edmond
Jones,1913 (held Tamiment Library)
• "An Injury to One is an Injury to All," poster of mural in L.A for
CWA 9000, by Mike Alewitz, 1994
• "Organize! Organize! Organize!," Web graphic for UE, circa 2000